If the specified time - out interval elapses, the thread enters the ready queue.
如果指定的 超时 间隔已过, 则线程进入就绪队列.
互联网I never give up, I miss him all time out of control.
我不会放弃, 我无时无刻不在想念着他,并且难以控制我自己.
互联网That practice has been going on time out of mind.
互联网Asas you take time out for love you will get lucky.
期刊摘选Ashley Cole came back after a long time out.
期刊摘选The options object can specify options such as time - out and context information.
选项对象可指定 超时 和上下文信息等选项.
互联网Want us to wave the white flag? Call a time out?
要我们挥白旗投降? 叫暂停?
互联网The best time to call time - out is at this period.
互联网These frames should have a time - out associated with them.
这些帧应该具有与其关联的 超时.
互联网Our team asked for time out to discuss a new plan.
辞典例句Begins when an official blows his whistle and gives the time - out signal.
互联网He shouldn't call a time - out when his team is playing well.
互联网Concerned that the boy might get hurt, the referee called a time - out.
考虑到他可能受伤, 裁判叫了暂停.
互联网You can think of break mode as being like a time - out .
中断模式可以看作是一种 超时.
互联网Each time out was a continuation, not a repetition.
每一次出游都是上次的继续, 而不是重复.
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